Gerard or otherwise known as Gez Gez was born in April 2021, nearing the end of covid lockdowns. He actually arrived on his due date!
The name Gerard had no meaning to us, it was added to our baby name list because we both like Gerard Butler- not because of the footballer!! We gave Hugo a list of 5 names and he chose Gerard and called my bump Gerard for so long we had to stick with it to avoid confusion.
This kid is so cheeky, never dishes out kisses, and wants to be just like his brother, so can be regularly found shouting “MOVE OUT THE WAY”, “NO” and “Why?”. He loves his Grandads the most and will always choose them over Marcus and I. Apparently the loudest child at nursery (Clearly they’ve never met Hugo)
Can always be found carrying his elephant “Ebbot”.
Definitely the son of a photographer, he will always shout CHEESE when he sees a camera